We have many years' experience cooperate with the world leading T1 automotive components supplier which is mainly for plastic with surface decoration like painting, printing, laser etching, and hot foil. we also specializes in high-precision, complex construction functional parts development and manufacturing. 


We certificated by ISO 13485 , 100K class clean room which equipped with high standard electronic injection molding machines and assembly lines to meet the requirements of medical customers.


IV Group have more than 60 years' experience with handing plastic solution for consumer electronic, we have many process ability beside injection molding to meet customers' various requirements.


We focus on the complex structure of industrial products, long product life and other characteristics, our technical team in the early stage of customer product R&D, in terms of materials and molding to provide advice to customers, to help customers quickly and accurately achieve mass production 


IV-Techmould was certificated by ISO 45001

To improve the occupational health and safety of employees. IV-Techmould offically got the certification of ISO 45001 


IVT team visit and donate to welfare home 

On Wednesday, January 10, 2024, a group of three people from IV-Techmould went to Suzhou Welfare House for a loving donation and sympathy activities.


IVT rooftop sloar power station put into use

After three months of intense construction, the rooftop solar power generation independently invested by IV-Techmould was officially completed and put into use in early February 2024.


World Class Injection Moulder