Consul of Norway visit IV-Techmould

On March 12, 2025, Mr. Tobias F. Svenningsen, Consul of the Consulate of the Kingdom of Norway in Shanghai, visited our company and guided our work. 

At 9:00 am, Mr. Ambassador arrived at IV-Techmould Suzhou Co., Ltd. for a visit.   Mr.Fredrik Carlsson, Manager Director of IV-Techmould.  received and accompanied the visit.


Mr. Ambassador was very interested in visiting the exhibition room, quality inspection center, product surface treatment center, injection molding workshop, clean injection molding workshop and automatic assembly line of IV-Techmould

Mr. Ambassador praised the achievements of IV-Techmould and encouraged we to continue to work hard and achieve greater achievements. 


As the first Norwegian company to invest in Suzhou, the Norwegian government has always been cared about the development of IV-Techmould in China.  In the past 20 years of history, IV-Techmould steady, developped in Suzhou, service to the world.  IV-Techmould not only attaches importance to the expansion of its own scale, but also pays more attention to the protection of the local and global environment, respects human rights, spreads the culture of China and Norway, and promotes the exchanges between two countries. 

IV-Techmould are looking forward to another 20 years in China!
